As little girl, many of us would remember getting a flower to help us with our questions. For example, if we’d like to know if our crush like us too, we pick out its petals one-by-one and ask if he “loves me or loves me not”. As we grew older, we realize that our destiny doesn’t depend on those petals. Instead, it will be the result of one’s decisions and actions that we make for ourselves. Whether it is a small or big decision, it can turn our life around.
According to Homer, the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, Man’s fate is the result of his actions. What becomes of us are results of the things that we have decided upon and the action plan that comes after.

In our everyday life whether we’re married, have kids or single, we are faced with a lot of decision-making opportunities. Take for example this typical day of working woman. The moment the alarm sounds, she is given a chance to choose what to do. She can decide whether to get out of the bed right away or to stop the alarm and continue sleeping by asking for 5 more minutes. Without her realizing, this small decision that she will make can either make or break her entire day.
In this scenario, she chose the latter option where she stopped the alarm and continued sleeping. She did not realize that this has a big impact on how her day is going to be like. Since she decided to get up late, she is now rushing to get ready to work where she had to skip breakfast. This later caused her some stomach pains that stopped her from being productive at work. Since she was not feeling well, she was not able to work at her optimal condition and failed to meet an important deadline. Her superior got disappointed and vowed to have this incident reflect in her performance evaluation that is crucial to the salary pay increase that she has been longing for.
This may seem unfortunate but yes, this happens and it’s a proof that a small decision can turn your life around.
Another scenario that can happen to all of us working women is that you got up late which caused you to miss the bus going to work. Instead, you took a cab but got stuck in traffic. You were late for a meeting and missed that opportunity to pitch that brilliant idea that could have been your breakthrough. It was because of that small decision not to wake up at the sound of the alarm, you had missed the opportunity to close that deal, to help you reach your quota that will impress your employer and convince them to give them the promotion that you very much deserve. It was an opportunity wasted because of a small decision that you made early in the morning.
Our decisions have a domino effect. One's decision can lead to an effect that has the possibility to affect even next, next, next series of events. As a woman, we wear many hats as a wife, mother, sister, friends, etc but forgetting we are just a human being. and this just makes the decision making more complicated. Thus, it is very important that when we make our decisions, we should think about think a lot of times before making one.

There are also other factors that can influence our decision making. Most of the time, our past experiences become our basis in doing and planning things. Thus, it is imperative that we learn from our mistakes. Just make sure to take the good lessons and leave the bad ones behind when making these choices.
Keep in mind that our fate lies in our hands and the decisions that we need to make should not be based on a flower, not even in a deck of tarot cards nor in your daily horoscope. It is based on the small conscious decisions that you make every day.
Choose to be happy, choose to live in the moment, choose to love yourself. There is no greater love that a woman can give to anybody but to love herself back.
